Practice Bundle (MP3 & PDF Download)

The Hypnobubs™ Hypnobirthing 'Practice Bundle' provides you with all of the basics to get you started on your hypnobirthing journey and offers fantastic value!

Our famous hypnobirthing practice bundle includes mp3s, the Little Book of Hypnobirthing eBook and a discount off the Hypnobubs™ Hypnobirthing Online Course if you decide to upgrade*.

Your Practice Bundle includes the following:

  • Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing MP3
  • Surge of the Sea – Relaxation for Childbirth MP3
  • Glove of Endorphins MP3
  • The Journey Fear Release MP3
  • Prompts for Birthing MP3


  • our exclusive ‘little book of hypnobirthing’ eBook!


We know that you are going to love our program... And we know that you are going to want more!

* So, if you decide to upgrade to the Hypnobubs™ Hypnobirthing Online Course within 4 months of purchasing this bundle – you will receive a $45 (USD) discount (the full value of this Hypnobubs™ Practice Bundle) off the purchase price of the Hypnobubs™ Positive Birth Program Online Course.

You really can't lose with this option!

Value of $59.75. On sale $45.00 (USD)