Benefits of staying active and upright during Labour

There are many advantages for staying active and using upright positioning for labour and birth and having an understanding of this can help you to achieve a positive, and calm birth experience. Research has shown that upright labour positions can make labour itself shorter and make giving birth easier, as well as reduce the risks of common complications and interventions during birth caused by restricting natural movement.
That’s why this topic forms an important part of what we teach in our Hypnobubs course (which you can attend face-to-face or online).
By staying upright during labour:
- gravity will help your baby move down the birth path
- your womb tilts forward during surges which means strong, efficient surges and less intensity
- the lower part of your spine can move better when upright which means the birth path can widen and make room for the baby’s head
- pelvic joints can expand and move, which means less pressure on nerves
- may also help shorten the early phase of labour.
Some ways to stay upright during labour include standing, sitting leaning forward over the back of a chair, leaning over a pillow, sitting or leaning over a birth ball, kneeling, squatting, on all fours, and the ‘slow dance’ position.
Have you heard of CUB birth stools before? They are a great tool to have at home and/or the birth centre/hospital for labour and birth.
The CUB is designed to provide comfortable, versatile support for a range of labour positions. CUB birth stools help relieve pelvic pain, pubic and lower back pain in pregnancy. The CUB also helps create more space in the pelvic allowing the baby more room to be in the best position for a natural birth. The versatile and adaptable design allows you to either sit on, lean over, squat or kneel against the CUB. Purchase your CUB birth stool by clicking here.