The technqiues really helped me have a wonderful birth experience.

big baby natural birth

Alina’s Birth Story

Hi Melissa and team, I just wanted to let you know that I did the value package course last year in preparation for the birth of my first baby. He was measuring large for gestational age, and I was co-ordinated to have a induction 2 weeks after my ‘due date’. Fortunately, I went into spontaneous labour with my waters breaking at 15mins to midnight on Christmas Day.

From there I progressed through the most amazing labour, using my hypnobirthing techniques. I used the shower, bath, Tens Machine, toilet, and my visualisations as well as flopping/welcoming each surge. I dilated to 10cm by around 9am the following morning. I used a little bit of gas/oxygen on the lowest titration to get through the transition of phase to final dilation, but otherwise was completely unmedicated. I was in second stage labour for two and a half hours.

unmedicated birthBaby wasn’t descending and I was suffering exhaustion so the medical team assisted with an instrumental delivery using forceps and an episiotomy. Baby got stuck with a shoulder dystocia, and the doctors did some manoeuvres and we safely got baby through. I didn’t have any additional tears or problems, and baby had some scrapes to the face from the instruments but healed quickly and wonderfully.

Baby ended up being the biggest ever born at the hospital, which I thought was pretty cool for a first time mum unmedicated! We were an amazing birthing team. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I appreciated the course and I think it the technqiues and education really helped me have a wonderful birthing experience. Thank you.

big baby