We had the most incredible, empowering and perfect birth

We started our journey through Frances Perry private with Dr Sushen Naidoo who recommended that we do Hypnobirthing with Vanessa at Illoura Birth. We signed up not long after.
About halfway through our pregnancy journey, I had an intense intuition to switch to a home birth with private midwives. I loved Dr Sush so it was a hard decision but I desperately wanted a natural, Unmedicated and no intervention birth for me and my son. So, after a bit of convincing of my partner, we switched to home birth. We had the most incredible midwives and doula which helped make my partner more comfortable with the idea of birthing at home.
We had our hypnobirthing class which we both loved. I practised the techniques and recordings daily. I particularly love the tracks which I meditated to (and still do) daily.
George decided to come with no induction at 41+4 weeks. It was a 16-hour labour with a few complications making the labour longer and more painful than it needed to be. He wasn’t positioned optimally in the cervix so stalled making his way through. We did a boot camp style movements and exercises to get him better positioned. The acupressure points and affirmations were my saviours during this.
Then I had a cervical lip again affirmations and calm music helped me through this.
Finally, his chin wasn’t to his chest so pushing took hours. This was nearly my breaking point but affirmations and my support team using hypnobirthing techniques kept me (us) going.
He finally emerged with the help of our midwives. A very healthy, 4.1kg, 55cm baby. Bright pink, and latched straight away after the breast crawl. I had no tearing and other than losing a bit of blood, was in perfect health. I’m now 2 weeks postpartum and feel great!
In all, we had the most incredible, empowering and perfect birth. I got exactly what I wanted for my family I the comfort of my home.
I want to thank you and the hypnobirthing team for making this possible for me and my family.
All our love,
Kristen and Nick