I felt so confident and comfortable going into this birth


Jessica's Birth Story

maternity assisted caesarean

Spencer 3.47kg
Maternal Assisted Cesarean

I was completely and utterly supported to birth via a Maternal Assisted Cesarean by my Midwives and Dr. So much so, that when my Dr was unable to commit to my delivery date, he trained another Dr on how to do a MAC.

I wanted this birth to be as calm and joyous as possible, after having my first via an Emergency Cesarean following a traumatic Induction. My husband and I completed the Positive Cesarean Birth Course when was around 34 weeks and I knew from that day onward that this birth was going to be incredible.

positive caesarean birth
We arrived at the hospital at 6.30am on July 1st and we settled into our room with our birth playlist. I put my headphones on and listened to the affirmations, the facial relaxation and mini-hypno relaxation. Not long after finishing these we were called. I walked myself into theatre, joined by my husband who was present for the spinal as per my birth preferences.

caesarean birth

The room was so calm, but also buzzing. I was really excited, but also really relaxed. I used breathing and facial relaxation upon first laying down, however, I then found myself so calm that I was able to engage in casual conversation with my husband whilst the surgery was happening. Before I knew it the curtain was dropped and the Dr was guiding my hands down to feel our baby’s head, he soon let out a little cry and I was lifting him out and onto my chest. Still, I felt so calm, everything was just perfect. My husband was then called over to make the initial cord cut, once it had stopped pulsating.

Our baby was having a few breathing challenges, so he was taken over for some oxygen support. But this was really quick and I could see everything that was happening, as per my birth preferences. Still, I felt calm and there was no panic. Bub was returned back to my chest and he remained here forhours, all his initial checks were done whilst he was on me.

caesarean birth
I’m so grateful we did the Positive Cesarean Course, I felt so confident and comfortable going into this birth and I have no doubt that without it we would have had a very different birth. I’m also so incredibly grateful for the team at Royal Darwin Hospital, especially Dr Pari, who made my dream a reality. I’m so deeply proud of how our little baby boy was brought into this world. I knew what I wanted and I advocated for us, I equiped myself with the skills and knowledge needed to make this a truly beautiful experience