It really changed our point of view and helped us both feel empowered.

Rachel's Birth Story
We are absolutely delighted to share with you the birth of our son, Mathias, on Sept 1st.
Thanks to your help, we had a wonderful vaginal delivery without any complications and we are now very healthy and happy, leaving in Paris.
Rachel and Juan.
You definitely have been with us during every step as we used all your tips!
I am French, we went back to France to have our child, and here I do not have 1 friend who was better prepared than I was.
Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience, explaining to us very clearly the possible interventions, helping us to have a clear birth plan, and for being so tactful while sharing your knowledge and answering our questions. We definitely used all your tips and the exercises/ postures you showed us to prepare me ahead of labour!
We loved the way you explained the role of the partner as well, it really changed our point of view and helped us both feel empowered. You have been a blessing in our pregnancy journey, we feel very lucky we crossed your path!
To the hypnobirthing team,
Your program is wonderful!
I have never been into meditation/ auto-hypnosis before but I took your advice very seriously and used all your materials to learn, it really worked for me!
I have mainly used the rainbow mist relaxation which was my favourite. I really programmed myself to respond to it, and it drove me right into my bubble, connected to my baby, during labour. I still used it after the birth to relax and go back to sleep after interruptions to feed, and it is still very powerful for me.
I have also used the positive affirmations linked to a picture and to the smell of lavender, during the last 2 months. I have used the acupuncture points the last month.
I loved your tips list to start labour, It helped the baby to come during the 40th week.
We watch the rehearsal video 2 weeks before birth.
We wrote a birth plan to make sure it would be as natural as possible, and even though the team we had in France was absolutely not trained to help us with it, we did a great job my husband and I.
I bought the postpartum pack thanks to Mel and I really like it.
If I can share one suggestion, I would have loved to have a script focusing on healing my body.
In the same idea than the Rainbow mist, but sending energy to my uterus to have it back to its inital size / to my pelvic floor / to my breast (suffering a bit while learning to breastfeed)
Thanks to you all, my husband and I stayed at home as long as possible, using the Hypno birthing material: having our playlist, in a dark room with candles and lavender smell, and my cards with my positive affirmations.
This was from 2am to 9am. My husband massaged me, help me breath and was counting the surges. I was changing my postures as seen with Mel. We forgot to use acupression at this stage.
Then we took a cab to the clinic, using Rainbow mist mediation to go through surges quietly, without panicking the driver!
When we arrived at the clinic, I was already opened at 8. We shared our birth plan: no peridural, no drugs to deliver placenta... They started by telling us they would break the water, we said no and managed to do it naturally few surges later.
Then the obstetrician came, she is used to be in charge in front of women with epidural, she did not understand I was the one empowered.
She was not trained to help me stay on the floor trying different postures. So for the last hour, I ended on the table, on my back, I had to agree for the drugs prolonging surges to push longer, and at the end, she used the ventouse. That last hour is associated in my mind to a bad feeling/bad memories from my birth, linked to a team used to over used medical interventions for birth, but I try to focus on everything else we managed to do very well my husband and I.
My son is healthy and happy, so I am as well 🙂
Thank you again for your help and support, it has been a pleasure to meet you.
We know life has been a bit challenging in the last weeks in Melbourne, our thoughts are with you.
Take care!