Using Homeopathic Medicine during pregnancy, birth, and Postpartum
birth resources blog post homeopathy
For all couples currently pregnant, preparing for birth and the postpartum period, homeopathy could be an invaluable approach to consider. Homeopathy has seen an explosion of popularity in recent years, though many are yet to become acquainted with this system of medicine and exactly what it can do.
To begin with the basics, homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine practised in the world today according to the World Health Organisation. It was discovered in 1796 by German medical physician Samuel Hahnemann, and at the height of its popularity in the United States we saw over 100 homeopathic hospitals at the turn of the 19th century completely devoted to the practice of homeopathic medicine. As the pharmaceutical industry gained traction we saw movement away from homeopathy, but it appears that we are once again returning towards this holistic medicine. Popular among the rich and famous, even the British Royal family have their own private homeopathic physicians.
So what exactly is it, and how does it work?Homeopathy is an energetic system of medicine which stimulates the vital force – the energy that circulates the body and gives life. In Chinese medicine we call it Qi, in Ayurvedic medicine we call it Prana – but, whatever you call it – this energetic force animates all living things – and it is in this sphere that disease originates and true restoration of health begins. When we match the energetic field of a substance found in nature with the imbalance currently being experienced in the human body, we see the vital force strengthen and symptoms disappear. It is based on the principles of ‘like cures like’ and uses microdoses of energetic substances processed in homeopathic pharmacies. Einstein knew it, and all of the leading-edge scientists know it, energy precedes matter. When you influence the field of energy of the body, you influence the way that matter, organs and tissues function, directly impacting the physical body.
So what are some of the key homeopathic medicines we may use during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum?Below I will give you the names and a little description of 6 homeopathic remedies and when they are most successfully used.
ArnicaPerhaps the most well known homeopathic remedy, Arnica is used for the bruised and sore sensation, to reduce swelling and relieve soft tissue damage after birth. Arnica has also been linked to a reduction in incidence of postpartum haemorrhage. Arnica can be used for both vaginal and Caesarean section births to promote rapid healing of the injured tissue. Arnica can also be used for bub if there is any bruising or trauma from the birth.
CaulophyllumCan be used from 38 weeks onward to strengthen and tone the uterus and prepare and soften the cervix prior to birth. If labour stalls or contractions (which we call ‘surges’) are ineffectual, Caulophyllum can be used to coordinate and strengthen those surges. Once labour is reinstated, the remedy should be paused.
AconiteWhere there is extreme fear, shock or fright, think aconite. This remedy can be helpful in the lead up to birth if anxiety arises. Useful when surges feel intense, producing a state of fear and anxiety. Aconite is especially helpful during the transitional phase of labour. Aconite can be given to bub if they seem shocked or unsettled after birth.
PhytolaccaThe number one homeopathic remedy for cases of mastitis [followed closely by belladonna and bryonia] where the breasts have hard, painful lumps. Phytolacca is a remedy to have on hand for those who are prone to mastitis, or those who want to be prepared just in case. This remedy is also helpful for sore, cracked nipples, which are aggravated when baby nurses.
PulsatillaA postpartum remedy to assist with the baby blues, where the mother may feel very weepy and needs lots of company and reassurance. Pulsatilla can be helpful if there is an overproduction of milk or if the milk supply is erratic. Pulsatilla is also a homeopath’s number one remedy for encouraging a breech baby to shift positions, by relaxing the muscle fibres of the uterus.
SepiaArguably the biggest homeopathic remedy indicated for postpartum depression or rage where there is a feeling of indifference towards bub and the rest of the family. Mum may have an aversion to breastfeeding and physical touch. Sepia has an affinity toward balancing hormones, which is why it helps in cases of heavy and painful postpartum periods. Sepia is also highly effective for uterine prolapse with constant bearing down sensation in the pelvic region.
Whilst this is an insight into some of the most popular homeopathic remedies, we have many more that can be used for a whole host of ailments during pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and beyond.
Many couples, when they see the power of homeopathy at work, go on to use homeopathic medicine for their children in the home, avoiding the routine use of pharmaceuticals. This is where the homeopathic first aid kits come in, with a reference booklet for parents to learn about the remedies, bringing the power to heal back into the home.
We believe as homeopaths that the body has a vital force- an innate wisdom that relentlessly seeks to maintain health and balance. You can see how intelligent the body is when you consider that during pregnancy, your body is going to knit together a tiny little baby perfectly, with no conscious effort from you. Your body will knit together your baby’s arms, legs, heart and brain, right down to the little eyelids and eyelashes. Your body is both extremely capable and wise. Homeopathic medicine is simply the stimulus that the body occasionally needs to get back on track and function optimally.
This blog article was written by our guest blogger Melissa Kupsch who is a qualified Homeopathic Practitioner with a keen interest in Women’s and Children’s Health as well as Natural Fertility.
Melissa is also known for her work in bringing the power to heal back into the home with the homeopathic first aid kits for families. Having graduated from Endeavour College of Natural Medicine in 2015 and since completing a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Homeopathy, Melissa has a wealth of knowledge to help clients address their health concerns & boost fertility to achieve healthy pregnancies.
You can click here to shop her Homeopathic First Aid Kit and can get 10% off using the code “HYPNOBIRTH”.