I had three pages of birth preferences and knew exactly what was going on at every moment thanks to Hypnobubs.

Hi Melissa!
This message is long overdue as we brought our sweet Norah into the world on July 4th. First, I want to start off by thanking you for making Hypnobubs. I cannot imagine what my birth would have been like without the mindset I had thanks to you, my nurses and midwife, my husband ,Christopher, and our little girl Norah.
At 3:30am on July 4th my water broke. I wasn’t quite positive it was my water so I laid still in bed for a little bit until I decided to switch sides I was laying on. This is when I knew, as I started to feel like I was peeing myself.
I rolled over to Christopher and woke him up. I said “Babe, babe, I think it’s my water.” He sprung up so fast! I just continued to lay there in bed while he gathered up our things to put in the car. I finally decided to get up. I had an infection in which I would need to come in as soon as my water ruptured, the doctor had told me. I wanted to labor at home as much as possible but the one thing about birth is nothing is planned. Hypnobirthing teaches you to go with the flow and that’s just what we did. So, I got up, got dressed and started making the bed. I suddenly hear Chris coming back up the stairs. He walks into the room and looks at me, “Why are you making the bed! We have to go!” I said “Chris, it’s fine babe.” I wanted to come back to a clean house and I was in no hurry if Norah wasn’t.
We said our goodbyes to the pups and made our way to the car. Due to COVID, Chris was not able to come back to the temporary room I was being held in while they tested my water. They came in to tell me we were having a baby! I called Chris and he said “Nu uh!, we’re having a baby!” The nurse told Chris to go get something to eat but that once he was in there was no going out. I got to our room, Chris shortly followed. I was hooked up to a monitor. My surges were sporadic. I was told if I didn’t go into labor I would need to be induced as we were on a time crunch due to my water rupturing and my infection. I asked how long I have until it is an absolute must. 10 hours total since my membrane ruptured. I had about 6 more hours until my time would be up.
So far, we had been told to turn off our diffuser, that we couldn’t walk in the halls to help get labour going and that we needed to wear a mask anytime someone came into the room. The circumstances weren’t what we had preferred but she was coming and on her own time and that is all that mattered. Fast forward to 6 hours later and I had not dilated and was told there was no other option. I was induced using misoprostol. And it didn’t take long before it led to tachysystole. The surges were strong and came for long and fast. I laboured in the tub for most of my labour which was short and so sweet. It was quiet, and although my body shook during surges, it was beautiful.
My husband was phenomenal with keeping the temperature of the tub where I needed it and holding a washcloth on my head. My hand which had an IV on it due to the infection kept going into the water which they told me needed to stay up. While he was leaning over the tub and holding the heart rate monitor on my belly with one hand, he took off his sock and made a sling for my arm to hang in from the bar in the tub. Not long after I moved to the bed where I received the epidural just before it was no longer an option. Two hours later she was here after 20 minutes of pushing; I was in labor for 13 hours total. It was beautiful. I had three pages of birth preferences and knew exactly what was going on at every moment thanks to Hypnobubs.
I never cried, I never screamed or shouted or cursed or got mad. And although I received the epidural, I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like had I not taken the Hypnobubs course. You can’t plan a birth, and every birth is different. Whatever your body needs for your baby is right. Because of Hypnobubs I was educated, I was positive, and it was the most peaceful experience I could have ever imagined.
Thank you so much. ā¯¤ļø¸
Natalie and Christopher Kollar & Baby Norah