Hypnobirthing was the best decision I could have made in regards to birthing my babe!

FTM here. I went into spontaneous labour on Dec 29 at around 6pm, I was 41+0 (about 3 hours after deciding to have a stretch and sweep!). I laboured for about 20 hours at home before labouring 4 more hours at hospital.
The first part of labour I spent resting in between surges, as they were quite far apart and mild. It was only really the last 6 hours that things got intense, and even then, I wouldn't say that I ever felt "in pain", it was more just pressure and tightening where you'd feel period pain. Breathing was honestly what I consider as being my main form of analgesia! Although warm water helped a lot, too!
My LO emerged the next day at around 6pm and her birth was beautiful and calm (the midwife came in and asked my birth partner if I had still been surging because she couldn't tell, it just looked like I was sleeping!). Bub was super chill the whole time, her heart stayed between 130 and 150 BPM, even as she was coming down the birth path. In fact, she was so calm that she was born in the caul! It wasn't until she kicked herself free from my body (she kicked me in the butt on the way out!) and into the water that her waters finally broke from around her!
I did have complications well after her birth when time came to birth the placenta (I lost over a litre of blood as it detached from the wall) but I stayed calm and just went with the flow of the hospital's procedures. I think I didn't really care at that stage because we were already holding our sweet little baby!
Hypnobirthing was the best decision I could have made in regards to birthing my babe! I had the most beautiful experience!