"We continued to equip ourselves with knowledge and tools to navigate safely"

A huge thanks to Melissa for your wonderful online course which helped to empower my husband and I to meet our second little boy via a VBAC on 22 July!
My first birth was emergency c-section after induction at 41 weeks. As first time parents we did the generic hospital antenatal classes but not a lot of extra reading and research into birth. Our philosophy was 'we have no plan' because we thought that would help us navigate any situation. Well, that was a big mistake because it also meant that we weren't well aware of our options and our choices. Overall, I still reflect on the birth as positive - we were supported by the people around us and it brought us our wonderful little boy. But, from that moment I knew that I would do things differently for my next birth!
There were a few spanners thrown in the works during this pregnancy - chasing after a toddler, corona, gestational diabetes, overdue, posterior - but we continued to equip ourselves with knowledge and tools to navigate safely and hypnobubs was a big part of that. We met our little boy after a quick active labour using just a bit of gas through transition - and hypnobirthing of course!
I wish everyone the best in their own positive birth - doing the hynobubs course has really reinforced for me the power of the mind in the birth process and navigating your baby's safe arrival.