It was the most magical experience ever!

Hi Melissa,
Hope you had a lovely Christmas!
I just wanted to share my birth story and Hypnobirthing journey with you as it was such a positive experience for me and hopefully will help new mums out there too.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to research and educate myself and my husband as best as possible on my birth preferences and rights as a birthing woman. I always wanted a calm and safe birth with minimal to no medical intervention if possible.
I purchased the Hypnobirthing Australia online course at around 28 weeks pregnant, as I live in Melbourne and was unable to have face to face classes due to Covid-19 restrictions. The online program was so well set out and easy to follow. Melissa’s classes helped me to feel so informed and educated for my birth and the team of midwives at the hospital knew about Hypnobirthing and supported me in all of my decisions!
My waters broke at 6:30pm on a Thursday night and my husband and I did our best to just stay calm, eat tacos on the couch (of course) and relax. It didn’t last too long as the contractions started around 7:30pm and ramped up quite quickly (I attribute this to eating 6 dates a day from 37 weeks)! I jumped in the bath with candles and the Hypnobirthing tracks playing, just riding out the contractions with the breathing techniques as they got closer together and more intense! I then got out of the bath, used a tens machine and rocked over a Swiss ball using the breathing techniques and affirmations to get me through. The breathing and ‘flopping’ helped me relax into each contraction whilst being able to move my hips around. I got to the point of involuntary pushing a few times and knew it was time to get to the hospital! I thought of Melissa saying “you’ll know when it’s time to go, you’ll just know”!
We arrived at 1am, I declined a vaginal examination, as by this point, I’d lost a lot of the amniotic fluid, contractions were a minute apart and I just trusted that my body & baby were doing all of the right things! I got into the birthing pool at around 1:30am and after some heavy contractions and bearing down, our beautiful girl arrived at 3:37am!
It was the most magical experience ever! I’ve never been so proud of my body and it’s ability to do such an amazing and natural thing!
I know that so many birthing people aren’t as lucky to have such a positive birth experience but I wanted to share this to say thank you and hopefully encourage other women to stay informed and trust their incredible bodies at such a vulnerable time!
I’ve already recommended Hypnobirthing to many of my pregnant friends! The program just makes so much sense if you’re wanting a natural and empowering birth!
Thanks again, Emma x