I was very excited to share my positive experience with hypnobirthing!
Hi Melissa,
I hope you are well!...
We recently started our Mother's group and in the first session, part of our introduction was sharing a little of our birth story. Obviously I was very excited to share my positive experience with hypnobirthing! However at the end of the session it became apparent that of 16 people there, I was the only one who hadn't had any intervention.
The Midwife/MCHN running the group approached me afterwards and said that her other group, also with 16 members also only had 1 person with no intervention. So of 32 women, 30 had been induced or had to have C-sections. She said that she loved hearing how empowered I felt and how the course had given me confidence in my body and would like to find out more to take to their hospital meeting as she is gravely concerned about the number of inductions being done (especially ones if convenience because due dates were around public holidays!)
PS- I have included a pic of hypnobub Evan who after his water birth has remained a very enthusiastic water baby!!!! Such a happy smiley little guy!
Many thanks,
Passionate hypnobirther Kate!