It really helped me to have a positive natural birth experience.
After a negative experience in my first birth with severe pre-eclampsia your course equipped me well before the birth of my second son.
Gus was born on July 14 just after midnight.
I had gone to the hospital the evening before to prep for an induction as my BP was starting to fluctuate and i was 10 days past my guess date. My doctor was very supportive of a natural birth but we weighed it up and decided an induction was the best course of action based on my history.
Before going in I had been experiencing some cramping on and off all day. When I got to hospital this cramping became a bit more regular. We started to question what to do.
Thankfully or baby boy decided for us and decided to start making his move. I was so relieved to be able to have the natural birth I had envisaged.
I breathed through the surges for couple of hours in various positions -then headed into the shower while they filled the birth pool. By the time I got into the birth pool I felt the urge to start bearing down. After an hour of bearing down our son entered the world via a water birth.
What a great experience.
The midwives were fantastic. They left me and my husband to do our own thing the whole time. I barely heard them speak.
My husband was an amazing support and said the prompts helped him feel involved.
All the best to all the other hypnomums out there awaiting their own arrivals!
Thanks melissa for providing the hypnobubs online course. It really helped me to have a positive natural birth experience.