It was seamless, relaxing, joyful and empowering!

Azra from Dirty Mercy Mama is a doula, birth coach, blogger and STAR Hypnobubs mama!
She has written her very inspiring birth story on her blog and you can read the full birth story HERE.
She says...
"As a doula, I’ve seen that the most positively remembered births happen to women who take charge and educate themselves about their rights and options as a birthing mother well ahead of time. The most positive births happen to women who aren’t too proud build their little village of support, hire a doula and those who focus on mental preparation in addition to physical prep. With my own second birth, I focused mainly on mental exercises and visualizations to release my fears and trust my body.
I signed up for a life-changing hypnobirthing class in the weeks before and cannot believe the ease in which I birthed. Because I have a career and family to balance, the best option for me was to seek an online course. One of the most recommended to me was Hypnobubs curriculum. It was fairly priced (NOT hundreds of $$$ like in-person classes), thorough, evidence-based, and efficient in regards to my access.
I could download my tracks to listen to on my iPhone or stream videos on my laptop. Whenever I drove someplace and before I drifted off to bed, I played tracks that were essentially positive affirmations about birth and labour. I am not a hippie, goddess worshipping, 100% crunchy person. If you told me that I could have a positive birth experience after my last one, just by talking to myself positively, I would’ve laughed at you. But I experienced it – so I know it’s possible."
Azra - Dirty Mercy Mama, Canada
To find out more about our Hypnobubs Hypnobirthing Online Course CLICK HERE!