I kept reminding myself “I only have to handle this pressure for a minute”.

Dear Melissa,
I wanna thank you with all my heart for helping me bring this beautiful angel into the world. Simon is my first babe and honestly my experience couldn’t have been better. I was a bit worried because I didn’t start my course until 8 months pregnant. I was scared I didn’t have enough time to practice. But I put in the work and rehearsed as much and I could and WOW!
10hrs of labor flew by quickly. I got into my bubble of calm and was able to handle it well. It was honestly like being carried away by a wave. At first you think to fight it. But once you give in and let the wave take you it’s so easy. Not to mention the surges only last a min or two. I kept reminding myself “I only have to handle this pressure for a minute” and anyone can do that. Affirmations plaid on loop in my mind and I stayed calm.
And then when time came to push I just gave in. I trusted my body and it opened up on its own. I pushed for 11minutes and out popped beautiful Simon. The breathing exercises helped me so much through this all.
Listening to music helped me keep my mindset. And Hypnobirthing helped me birth a beautiful baby quickly, and honestly, easier than I or even the hospital staff thought possible.
They were shocked at how quiet I was the whole time. I gave out two big grunts when pushing but that was it. And my birthing partner, my bf, was amazing too! It really helped me keep my mindset having him speak for me and support me.
I just wanted to say thank you. I honestly couldn’t have had such a great experience without hypnobubs💗.
The bubble of calm and the control center really helped me. I played the affirmations when my contraction started but after that it was really just music. Being able to find my calm place and just float in it between contractions was great. And then when I was contracting I used my control center to numb pain. The pressure was still there but it was fine. And like I said, they only lasted about a minute or two each. I can handle pressure for a minute. The breathing practice is key though. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you lol. That and having my partner understand my non verbal ques.
They had so many questions for me in the hospital and such and it was so helpful to just be able to squeeze his hand or give a thumbs up or shake his hand and have him answer for me. I kept my eyes closed for 90% of the process to stay in headspace.
But then, pop, there was a baby And I truly attribute so much of it to you and you class. I couldn’t stop singing your praises at the hospital when everyone was so surprised at how I handled my first birth.