Hypnobirthing was enormously helpful for such a positive birth experience.

Positive Birth Story 

Been waiting for this post for a while! 

Our sweet girl entered this world in the early hours of Tuesday 27/04/21, born at 37.5 weeks.
I completed the Hypnobirthing Course during the pregnancy and found it amazing.
My daughters birth was super quick for a FTM 

On the Monday night I had my first contraction over night and then had a few more spaced out Tuesday during the day. I had a busy day! Went for a swim, had a midwife appt, went to the supermarket and cooked dinner. At around 7pm just after dinner, contractions started to ramp up. She was posterior so I experienced all the contractions in my back (ouch!) and the pain was unbelievable. I used a Tens machine from the beginning, walked around the house and changed positions frequently. I became uncomfortable very quickly and arrived at hospital at around 11pm.
At hospital I continued with the Tens machine, focused on deep breathing techniques and also used the shower. I tried the gas but didn't find it helped at all so threw it away! At 2am my waters broke in the shower. At this very moment I felt the need to push and within 40 mins of pushing she was here, safe & sound! Active labour lasted about 6 hours in total. No drugs used throughout the birth (despite the request for epidural) however there didn't appear to be enough time. Wouldn't change a thing, it all happened naturally and how it was meant to 

What an experience!
Hypnobirthing was enormously helpful for such a positive birth experience. Wishing the best to all the Mumma's to be, it really is amazing what women are capable of