My midwife Lindsey were so supportive and confident throughout my pregnancy an due to her experience, knowledge and calming nature I felt completely safe an at ease.

Hi Melissa,
I’d just like the thank you so much your online course is amazing. I birthed my second son over 10months now at home it was so perfect I wish I would have had it on video.
After a 26hr labor with my first son(Des) and ending up in theatre having an episiotomy and forceps( resulting in Dessie’s neck being damaged)I wanted my second pregnancy and labor to be different I come across your online course.
I listen to the tracks every night at bedtime and practised the breathing techniques throughout my pregnancy. My partner broke his foot at work when I was 38 weeks so we switched to a homebirth it was the best decision we ever made.
Our baby was in a posterior position we tried everything to move before labor started but having undertaken your course I felt confident and trusted my body it would know what to do I was 41weeks and my doctor was happy to let me go to 42 weeks before intervention again I had faith and trusted that my baby would come when ready .
Sure enough on the 3rd of September I had a midwife appointment in the morning I was 2cm dilated by 9 pm I was in active labour I was calm the whole duration of my labour in and out of the birth pool, had the tracks playing in the background, my diffuser going and I just kept telling myself I was one step closer to meeting our baby.
My partner was by my side the whole time offering water and encouragement keeping the pool water temp up all while hopping around on one foot. My midwife Lindsey was so supportive and confident throughout my pregnancy an due to her experience, knowledge and calming nature I felt completely safe an at ease.
By 9 am my water broke and my body instantly started pushing I had no control at this point my body was doing all the work I just breathed the best I could, I was vocal at this point of crowning and not long after our son Reggie was born he was 9pound 4 and 55cm long. I was in shock I had actually birthed such a large baby with no pain at all. I didn’t have any stitches or tearing post-birth I hoped straight in bed and was able to bond with our son in such a relaxed atmosphere.
Kind Regards,