Thanks so much for the guidance of Hypnobirthing.

Hi Melissa,
Been busy settling with baby, it's been 2 months since he was born already! How crazy is that?
My birth story:
On the 22nd of Dec, I saw a bit of my mucus plug and nothing much else happened so I went about my day as normal. I called the birth suite and they said it sounded like things has started so I went in for a check up. They confirmed that everything was fine and to come in again the next morning at 8am. They said if nothing happened over night they would need to induce me to prevent infection.
On the 23rd of December at 4.30am, I started to feel some light surges so I popped on the affirmations and laid in bed and breathed through them. I got up had a cup of tea and felt ok. I was just chatting to my family then I felt a rush down there so I went to the toilet. To my horror, it was a gush of blood so we called the birth suite and they told us to come straight in. It was the only time I felt scared but I remembered to stay calm and reminded myself I was heading to a place where I would be looked after. My husband kept reminding me of this also in the car ride there also.
When I arrived they confirmed that I was in labour. I had felt some liquid that morning as well and they confirmed my waters were breaking slowly and as it had gone too long I needed to have syntocin to prevent infection. So we were there to stay. I listened to some music, put on my portable diffuser and my husband was massaging my back and made sure I had everything I needed. As I progressed I started the meditation tracks again. I was breathing through the surges, delayed being checked and when they did check me I got to 8cms dilated then it suddenly took a turn.
I started bleeding again and baby's heart rate dropped suddenly and we were surrounded by heaps of people. By this time I was in full transitional labour and they said that I may need to be put under. My husband was scared but he was reassuring me and making sure he listened to what may need to happen and the instructions of the procedure. I tried to breathe through the surges and focus on my baby coming out the safest way. Then as I thought this, Baby's heart shot back up to normal so I was able to be awake for the C section. I felt a bit scared but I calmly told myself, I'm surrounded by a million surgeons, aneathestists and midwives so they will do everything to get me through it.
I laid there and my husband and I waited patiently and baby was out in minutes. Beautiful healthy Baby boy! He has been called Manawa, which in Maori means "heart". In the end he showed us it was strong so the name has even more meaning now.
Hope you enjoyed my story. Thanks so much for the guidance of Hypnobirthing. My husband and I wouldn't have remained as calm as we did unless we did this course.
Kind regards,