We thoroughly enjoyed the hypnobirthing course and we used the techniques during our 18-hour labour.

Hi Melissa,
Thank you for the email. We thoroughly enjoyed the hypnobirthing course and we used the techniques during our 18-hour labour. I did not need any pain relief and can confidently say I was unable to feel much sensation during the final birthing phase, despite muscular fatigue and cramping felt throughout my body.
I required some inducing and an episiotomy to assist the natural vaginal birth after 2 hours of pushing and our baby’s heart dropping. As soon as the incision was made, our son joined us on the earthside. My partner and my mother were my birthing supports which worked incredibly well. My partner providing constant touch and pressure point massage, while my mum offered ice, drinks and heat packs.
Here is a photo that was taken during labour. The image and the sound of Cat Stevens brings the most amazing sense of love and joy and uncontrollable tears. We were so blessed to have a healthy son who we named River Wade Novy.
Thank you Melissa!