Welcome to the world yet another hypnobub!

Welcome to the world yet another hypnobub! ❤️

Eliza  was born yesterday after a quick and speedy delivery in the hospital birthing pool.

My membranes released almost 24 hours before her birth, and that whole day I just focused on being relaxed and used all of my techniques learnt through the Hypnobubs online course Affirmations for beautiful birthing were mostly my 'go to' track.

The birth escalated very quickly that evening, after my parents finally arrived at our house to look after our two-year-old daughter who we had to put to bed, we made our way into the hospital and by the time I had got there I was already 4 cm dilated.

I continued to use my breathing techniques which relaxed me so much that I progressed very quickly.

I didn't think I could handle the frequency or intensity of the waves/contractions so I did wave the red flag and scream for an epidural. But in the end the doctor actually refused to administer it (I had one for my first birth) and then I was faced with the fact that I'd have to do this now and face my biggest fear.. I'm not going to lie, there wasn't much I could do but vocalise (sorry hubby and midwife) and let my body and baby guide me.

I honestly don't think I could have done this if I hadn't completed the course.

The whole time I was thinking about "my baby" going on the same difficult yet electric ride with me, so I never felt alone, and was able to visualise every inch of the delivery.

Key words were crucial to me during the pushing stage, I found myself yelling at my husband and the midwife saying "don't say that" or "keep saying that" , that's hard to do in the pushing phase so I suggest you have all of these things printed out and stuck up around your birthing area (which the course suggests but I didn't get around to doing!).

I'll never forget pulling my baby up from in between my legs and resting her on my chest, the look of complete admiration my husband had for me after he saw what I had just achieved (after constantly saying to me the whole pregnancy that I should just get an epidural because he knows I'm not good with pain) and just being so present with my calm and curious bub immediately after birth!

Thank you Hypnobubs and Melissa for making this online course possible. I'll be forever grateful for my beautiful water birth after a not so lovely experience for my first birth ❤️❤️ xx